Teen Link

Teen & Family Program at Child Advocates of Blair County

What is Teen Link?

Teen Link Connection provides summer activities and events to promote healthy lifestyles in the youth of Blair County.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Team (TPPT)

The mission of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Team (TPPT) is to provide teens and families with quality leadership, education and advocacy to prevent teen pregnancy in Blair County.  TPPT is a group of individuals and Blair County community members dedicated to raising awareness and providing education regarding teen pregnancy and pregnancy prevention.   TPPT is responsible for organizing the following:

Teen Power Day

Teen Power Day is a one day workshop for students in 7th-9th grades that focuses topics that emphasize healthy decision making and empowerment to prevent teen pregnancy, violence and drug and alcohol use.


Choices is a summer program for female residents ages 12 – 16 residing in Evergreen Manors, Altoona. The program combines fun and learning to empower young ladies to make positive choices regarding their relationships and their health.

Questions about Teen Link? Contact Us.

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